New York Comic Con ’09 – Day 0 in Tweets
Travel, checking in, ICv2 conference, dinners, and Gia sticking tentacles in her mouth.
So here’s the brand new feature I’ve been working on for a few weeks here at the Anime Almanac. With so many people I follow on Twitter attending the New York Comic Con with me this year, I figure it would be interesting to see the event play out through different perspectives. So here is a chronological recap of today in a very unique convention report.
To check out all the action at it’s happening this weekend, go to Anime Almanac the Live.
On site today:
![]() Scott from The Anime Almanac |
![]() Deb Aoki from Manga |
![]() Narutaki from Reverse Thieves |
![]() MangaCast |
Dave from Subatomic Brainfreeze |
![]() Hisui from Reverse Thieves |
![]() tania from Yen Press |
![]() Gia from a geek by any other name |
![]() animevice from Anime Vice |
![]() funimation |
![]() yenpress from Yen Press |
![]() Robofish |
10:48 Deb Aoki:
gods, i hate the 50 lb weight limit for luggage.
gods, i hate the 50 lb weight limit for luggage.
12:36 Deb Aoki:
Just tried metromint water for the first time. It’s like drinking watered down listerine…
Just tried metromint water for the first time. It’s like drinking watered down listerine…
12:49 Deb Aoki:
Waiting to board red eye to NYC, and I’m ready to konk out. Please, no screaming babies on this flight..X[
Waiting to board red eye to NYC, and I’m ready to konk out. Please, no screaming babies on this flight..X[
06:50 Deb Aoki:
Alrighty! Got into jfk, and am stunned at how nice Jetblue’s new terminal 5 looks! They have a muji boutique!
Alrighty! Got into jfk, and am stunned at how nice Jetblue’s new terminal 5 looks! They have a muji boutique!
06:53 Deb Aoki:
Computer recharge stations with touch screens to order food & drinks that gets served to you while you use yr computer. Brilliant!
Computer recharge stations with touch screens to order food & drinks that gets served to you while you use yr computer. Brilliant!
07:22 Deb Aoki:
According to yahoo, it’s 12 degrees out now, with sat/sun to warm up to 40-50 degrees. Kinda nuts.
According to yahoo, it’s 12 degrees out now, with sat/sun to warm up to 40-50 degrees. Kinda nuts.
07:33 Hisui:
I am off to attend the IVC2 conference at NYCC. Other than that I hope to see some people at the Precon party and Dave and Busters.
I am off to attend the IVC2 conference at NYCC. Other than that I hope to see some people at the Precon party and Dave and Busters.
09:03 Scott:
Doing some final packing then getting on the bus to New York. NYCC, here I come!
Doing some final packing then getting on the bus to New York. NYCC, here I come!
09:25 Narutaki:
Testing twitter on my phone.
09:28 Narutaki:
Alright! I will try to tweet from the con this weekend.
Alright! I will try to tweet from the con this weekend.
09:32 Gia:
iiii hate leaving the house before it’s dark out. T.T
iiii hate leaving the house before it’s dark out. T.T
09:37 funimation:
Mornin’! An NYCC exclusive: Shin chan Season 2 Part 1! Buy it and get a free Shin chan candle. Think grocery store prayer candle.
Mornin’! An NYCC exclusive: Shin chan Season 2 Part 1! Buy it and get a free Shin chan candle. Think grocery store prayer candle.
09:41 Gia:
mmmmmmm, warm bus is warm’n’cozy!
mmmmmmm, warm bus is warm’n’cozy!
10:01 Gia:
wow, fare inspectors this early? hmm!
wow, fare inspectors this early? hmm!
10:13 Gia:
…ok, three f}e inspections between lloyd and sumner? wtf?
…ok, three f}e inspections between lloyd and sumner? wtf?
10:44 Deb Aoki:
told my sister about wanting to try neti pot, per recommendation of @hurokitty and @kyubikitsy. she says, ‘oh, really? i have one.’
told my sister about wanting to try neti pot, per recommendation of @hurokitty and @kyubikitsy. she says, ‘oh, really? i have one.’
10:45 Deb Aoki:
it was unopened. I said to her, ‘why did you buy it?’ ‘I saw it on oprah.’ man. oprah is a one woman economic stimulus plan.
it was unopened. I said to her, ‘why did you buy it?’ ‘I saw it on oprah.’ man. oprah is a one woman economic stimulus plan.
10:46 Deb Aoki:
now, all we have to do is get oprah to read oishinbo or disappearance diary and the manga biz will rebound. 😉
now, all we have to do is get oprah to read oishinbo or disappearance diary and the manga biz will rebound. 😉
11:27 Scott:
@funimation hey, I went by John’s Pizza just now, but it’s not open yet today.
@funimation hey, I went by John’s Pizza just now, but it’s not open yet today.
11:29 Scott:
@funimation it’s a sit down Italian restaurant, not a typical pizza joint. There’s a “no slices” sign on the window.
@funimation it’s a sit down Italian restaurant, not a typical pizza joint. There’s a “no slices” sign on the window.
12:11 Scott:
At the Javits, slow check-in is slow.
At the Javits, slow check-in is slow.
12:18 funimation:
@Scott U R awesome! Sorry it wasn’t open yet! I love John’s Pizza, wanted to share the love. DM me which box & where to send.
@Scott U R awesome! Sorry it wasn’t open yet! I love John’s Pizza, wanted to share the love. DM me which box & where to send.
12:33 Scott:
That press room was pretty hard to find, but I’m all checked in and ready for some ICv2.
That press room was pretty hard to find, but I’m all checked in and ready for some ICv2.
12:34 Scott:
Simple and direct.
Simple and direct.
01:03 Narutaki:
OMG Dave and Busters has skeeball! Now I know how I’m spending the evening.
OMG Dave and Busters has skeeball! Now I know how I’m spending the evening.
01:14 Scott:
Comic legend Art Spiegelman gives the ICv2 keynote address.
Comic legend Art Spiegelman gives the ICv2 keynote address.
01:28 Deb Aoki:
Mission “I will not eat at javits center” going well. Day 1: crab/pork soup dumplings at joe’s shanghai. :9
Mission “I will not eat at javits center” going well. Day 1: crab/pork soup dumplings at joe’s shanghai. :9
01:30 Deb Aoki:
Followed by hot green tea waffle from a Vietnamese sandwich shop. Crisp, slightly sweet & a little hint of coconut flavor.
Followed by hot green tea waffle from a Vietnamese sandwich shop. Crisp, slightly sweet & a little hint of coconut flavor.
01:51 Scott:
Speigelman is very witty in his keynote, but I wonder if he might be behind the times a little.
Speigelman is very witty in his keynote, but I wonder if he might be behind the times a little.
01:56 Scott:
He’s not too impressed about the internet’s effect on comics.
He’s not too impressed about the internet’s effect on comics.
02:00 tania:
Done setting up at NYCC; back at office. NaRae sent JY Max Ride shikishi, and OMG, they’re so cool!!! IGGY<3<3<3!
Done setting up at NYCC; back at office. NaRae sent JY Max Ride shikishi, and OMG, they’re so cool!!! IGGY<3<3<3!
02:16 Scott:
Could “cell phone comics” be the buzz of NYCC this year?
Could “cell phone comics” be the buzz of NYCC this year?
02:52 Dave:
got my nycc badge, guess i’ll loiter a bit before i see if they let me in at d and b (they don
got my nycc badge, guess i’ll loiter a bit before i see if they let me in at d and b (they don
02:52 Narutaki:
@Dave Ah I didn’t know you were going to the pre-con party, see you there!
@Dave Ah I didn’t know you were going to the pre-con party, see you there!
02:55 Dave:
that is, they don’t like letting me in. my phone also rather dislikes twitter.
that is, they don’t like letting me in. my phone also rather dislikes twitter.
03:01 Dave:
man. I can’t wait to play me some daytona
man. I can’t wait to play me some daytona
03:27 Scott:
ICv2 graphic novel white paper time.
ICv2 graphic novel white paper time.
03:30 tania:
OMG, I think a member of ARASHI is coming here!
OMG, I think a member of ARASHI is coming here!
03:33 Deb Aoki:
gargh. small bottle of water is $3.75 here at javits. :p
gargh. small bottle of water is $3.75 here at javits. :p
03:34 Scott:
ICv2’s Milton Griepp will tell us how much trouble we’re in.
ICv2’s Milton Griepp will tell us how much trouble we’re in.
03:37 Scott:
2008 was the slowest growth rate since 2001, but “if flat is the new up, then graphic novels are doing great!”
2008 was the slowest growth rate since 2001, but “if flat is the new up, then graphic novels are doing great!”
03:40 Scott:
Manga release rate dropped 9% from 2007 to 2008.
Manga release rate dropped 9% from 2007 to 2008.
03:44 Scott:
Manga still makes up 44% of the total graphic novel market.
Manga still makes up 44% of the total graphic novel market.
03:46 MangaCast:
manga down 17% from 2008
manga down 17% from 2008
03:49 MangaCast:
why? according to ICv2: Cartoon Network, Borders minus King Hassler, bookstore issues, economy and Twilight.
why? according to ICv2: Cartoon Network, Borders minus King Hassler, bookstore issues, economy and Twilight.
03:50 Scott:
Manga sale dropped 17% last year, reverted back to 2005 level.
Manga sale dropped 17% last year, reverted back to 2005 level.
03:52 MangaCast:
Manga releases down to 1224 approx for 2009. How many of those will be Naruto?
Manga releases down to 1224 approx for 2009. How many of those will be Naruto?
03:53 Scott:
“Teenage girls were more interested in Twilight in 2008 than manga.”
“Teenage girls were more interested in Twilight in 2008 than manga.”
03:55 Scott:
“Naruto is still the star of the industry, and still continues to gain new readers.”
“Naruto is still the star of the industry, and still continues to gain new readers.”
03:59 Dave:
no d and b till the party starts: can a brother just play some daytona?
no d and b till the party starts: can a brother just play some daytona?
04:00 Scott:
Even with the current econ, sellers are still predicting growth in 2009.
Even with the current econ, sellers are still predicting growth in 2009.
04:05 animevice:
Reminder: Questions for NYCC!
Reminder: Questions for NYCC!
04:09 MangaCast:
According to an icv2 survey comic shops and retailers are not concerned with the current advertising situation for graphic novels. 10% only
According to an icv2 survey comic shops and retailers are not concerned with the current advertising situation for graphic novels. 10% only
04:10 MangaCast:
content quality and returns are bigger concerns
content quality and returns are bigger concerns
04:13 Robofish:
Working on a big announcement—read your TOKYOPOP newsletters tomorrow!
Working on a big announcement—read your TOKYOPOP newsletters tomorrow!
04:32 Scott:
I think I see a @debaoki…
I think I see a @debaoki…
04:37 MangaCast:
Industry Summit… I can see the top! Or it’s all downhill from here
Industry Summit… I can see the top! Or it’s all downhill from here
04:57 Deb Aoki:
@Scott hoho. better late, if ever. 😉
@Scott hoho. better late, if ever. 😉
04:59 MangaCast:
value added content is a phrase tossed around… Sounds nice, but how will it be done? Omnibus, hardcover releases & what else?
value added content is a phrase tossed around… Sounds nice, but how will it be done? Omnibus, hardcover releases & what else?
05:08 Scott:
(-_-) zzz… these large panels just keep on dragging on.
(-_-) zzz… these large panels just keep on dragging on.
05:10 Deb Aoki:
itll be interesting to see if the viz signature stuff can get pickup from the watchmen crowd, ala how akira drove interest in anime.
itll be interesting to see if the viz signature stuff can get pickup from the watchmen crowd, ala how akira drove interest in anime.
05:18 tania:
Oh, SAKURAI~~~~! Was in my CUBE!
Oh, SAKURAI~~~~! Was in my CUBE!
05:21 Narutaki:
In the dave and busters line. I think im in the first 200
In the dave and busters line. I think im in the first 200
05:50 Dave:
straight to the daytona machine (#8)
06:06 yenpress:
Yen Press just got interviewed by SAKURAI Sho of ARASHI for US Nippon TV! SO COOL~~~!
Yen Press just got interviewed by SAKURAI Sho of ARASHI for US Nippon TV! SO COOL~~~!
06:08 Deb Aoki:
@Scott it’ll certainly be challenging to distill it all down. :/
@Scott it’ll certainly be challenging to distill it all down. :/
06:12 Scott:
At dave and busters.
At dave and busters.
06:34 MangaCast:
Day 0 in the can. Goodbye javits! I’ll see manana with a renewed fire fueled by sleep and brooklyn attitude
Day 0 in the can. Goodbye javits! I’ll see manana with a renewed fire fueled by sleep and brooklyn attitude
06:44 tania:
Sho-chan’s fave manga? Sanctuary, Rainbow, Ikigami…also, Dragonball, One Piece, and Slam Dunk. <3<3
Sho-chan’s fave manga? Sanctuary, Rainbow, Ikigami…also, Dragonball, One Piece, and Slam Dunk. <3<3
06:51 Scott:
@narutakiRT kicking some old school arcade ass!
@narutakiRT kicking some old school arcade ass!
07:04 Gia:
just touched down!
just touched down!
08:28 tania:
Okay, I am officially leaving work and going to Yen karaoke, dead tired and having had half of my breakfast muffin for dinner. Yay.
Okay, I am officially leaving work and going to Yen karaoke, dead tired and having had half of my breakfast muffin for dinner. Yay.
08:38 Narutaki:
Dinner with bloggers, good times! My arm hurts from skeeball.
Dinner with bloggers, good times! My arm hurts from skeeball.
09:14 Hisui:
@Scott and the much less cute me is also there in the pic.
@Scott and the much less cute me is also there in the pic.
09:20 Hisui:
@Scott I have to say @Dave is a really cool guy. It was awesome to meet him. As always it is nice to see you again as well.
@Scott I have to say @Dave is a really cool guy. It was awesome to meet him. As always it is nice to see you again as well.
09:27 Hisui:
@Scott But stalker vampire boyfriends are where it is at Scott. You just don’t get why Twilight is sooooo col. Old foogie.
@Scott But stalker vampire boyfriends are where it is at Scott. You just don’t get why Twilight is sooooo col. Old foogie.
09:31 Hisui:
I liked the ICv2 conference. It was a bit dry at time but it always interesting to see what the industry thinks of itself.
I liked the ICv2 conference. It was a bit dry at time but it always interesting to see what the industry thinks of itself.
09:32 Hisui:
Or at least what people say amongst their fellows.
Or at least what people say amongst their fellows.
09:51 Scott:
Hot. @Gia taking a tentacle into her mouth.
Hot. @Gia taking a tentacle into her mouth.
10:05 Dave:
daytona was as chill as ever: blogger dinner with the RTs and @Scott was also pretty chill
daytona was as chill as ever: blogger dinner with the RTs and @Scott was also pretty chill
10:30 Scott:
I’ve heard the word “Twilight” way too much tonight.
I’ve heard the word “Twilight” way too much tonight.
10:44 Hisui:
@Scott Now is the twilight of your discontent?
@Scott Now is the twilight of your discontent?
10:51 Deb Aoki:
whoog. 12 courses and 7 glasses of wine later, our dinner at wd-50 is done. i’m ready to konk.
whoog. 12 courses and 7 glasses of wine later, our dinner at wd-50 is done. i’m ready to konk.
10:55 Deb Aoki:
i’ll post photos later later, so you can see the everything bagel ice cream and smoked salmon threads w/ crispy cream cheese.
i’ll post photos later later, so you can see the everything bagel ice cream and smoked salmon threads w/ crispy cream cheese.
10:56 Deb Aoki:
if you’re curious, here’s the url for the restaurant:
if you’re curious, here’s the url for the restaurant:
12:25 Dave:
ah, conventions: (Ticket numbers are limited and do not guarantee movie admission.) YATTERMAN: IT’S A MAYBE
ah, conventions: (Ticket numbers are limited and do not guarantee movie admission.) YATTERMAN: IT’S A MAYBE